Monday, September 15, 2014

Tennessee coneflower, Painted Lady and a Twany Emperor

Wildflower Update: The fall nectar flow is peaking.  The hills of our farm are yellow with goldenrod and wingstem blooms.  I planted some Tennessee conefowers earlier this summer and they are blooming now (above).  

Pollinators and Wildlife:  Lots of pollinators working this week ... I was outside for only a couple of hours on Sunday and saw three monachs gliding to the southwest on a light NE wind.  We have seen a steady flow of Monarchs for a month.  Above a Twany Emperor (Asterocampa clyton) resting briefly in our garden.  Below,  a couple of Painted Ladies (Vanessa cardui) visiting a butterfly plant and a zinnia.  The third and last flight of Painted Ladies started last week.

Below a Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) and a Io Moth caterpillar (about 3" long).

Work on the Farm:  Still planting food plots will next year be native plant plots.  Our community turnip/mustard patch is coverd with 2-3" plants ... greens available in early October if we get some rain.  Buckwheat is blooming in our early food plots.

Hiking, wildflower/wildlife photography, birdwatching and native plant research available on request.  The Kentucky Wildflower Farm will be offering seed from locally collected native plant species in 2015.    ...

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