Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rain, Jewelweed and Great Blue Lobelia ...

Wildflower Update:  The fall blooming season is coming into full swing.  Our ironweed, wingstem and goldenrod are almost at full bloom.  In our wetland and spring-fed valleys,  jewelweed and great blue lobelia are blooming visited by an abundance of pollinators.  Fall nectar flow is underway despite the rain.  Jewelweed bloom above and great blue lobelia below.

Pollinators and Wildlife:  Lots animals on the move this evening after a rain.  The number of bumblebees have dropped off but there are still some swallowtails around and monarches passing by each day.  Below a Northern Pearly-eye (Enodia anthedon, a woodland butterfly)

Work on the Farm:  We are still planting food plots.  Last weekend, we planted our large community turnip patch for greens.  We will harvest them in the middle of next month ... a tradition.  We are harvesting common milkweed and rose milkweed pods for our pop-a-pod for monarch program.

Hiking, wildflower/wildlife photography, birdwatching and native plant research available on request.  The Kentucky Wildflower Farm will be offering seed from locally collected native plant species in 2015.    ... kywildflowerfarm@gmail.com

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