Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ladies' Tresses, White Turtlehead and a Summer Azure

Wildflower Update: The fall nectar flow is in full swing!  Wingstem, wild ageratum, goldenrod, white snakeroot, goldenrod and more are all in full bloom.  Ironweed is past peak.  I spotted some ladies' tresses (below) on Saturday and walked back our walking trail to get a picture.  Near the stream in the valley back of our house were great blue lobelia and white turtlehead blooming.

Pollinators and Wildlife: After a early shower early this morning, the pollinators were busy late this afternoon under some sunshine.  I only saw one Monarch on my walk today but dozens of small butterflies ... last flight of skippers started last week and are abundant (on goldenrod below) ... also, a picture of a summer azure.

Work on the Farm:  This weekend, I bush-hogged our walking trails.  While mowing the trail on Saturday, I saw six Monarchs gliding by or stopping to nectar on wingstem.  Also, a recent sunset over Long Creek in the valley below ...

Hiking, wildflower/wildlife photography, birdwatching and native plant research available on request.  The Kentucky Wildflower Farm will be offering seed from locally collected native plant species in 2015.    ...

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