Monday, February 2, 2015

Monarch Numbers in ...

Last week, Journey North released their Monarch count from the Mexico wintering area.  It was better than the all time low of last year but still not dangerously low.  Our pollinator project at the high school have seed to plant again this year.  We gave plants to several individuals and a few groups.

Graph of population estimate at monarch overwintering region in Mexico.

Wildflower Update: We are continuing to put seed into our refrigerator for stratification.  Each time I take a walk, I take some wildflower seed with me to plant.

Pollination and Wildlife: We have lots of juncos visiting our feeders.  Last week, I saw a large group of robins.  I have been busy at school so have not been able to take a lot of walks but, every night hear our coyotes howling.

Work on the Farm:  We finished signing off on our seven acre conservation pollinator plot.  We have ordered our seed and will plant later in May.

We support:
Round House, Jeans and Workware, Made in the USA for 112 years.
Red Pig Tools, Garden tools, Made in the USA.
FEDCO, Co-op Garden Supplies, Seeds, Trees and Bulbs
Johnny's Selected Seeds and Garden Tools
Roundstone Native Seed ... A Kentucky Company!
Prairie Nursery, Native Seeds and Plants
Kelley's Beeskeeping ... A Kentucky Company! ... at least for now.
and these organizations ...
Xerces Society
Journey North
Monarch Watch
Sierra Club

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