Monday, January 19, 2015

Sandhill Cranes back!

While at school Saturday/noon, I heard the distinctive sound of sandhill cranes circling overhead.  About forty were circling getting organized, gaining altitude and deciding which direction to take.  Finally after about five minutes they headed northeast toward Barren River Lake.  I could hear them longer than I could see them!

Usually, we don't see them return until around Valentine's Day ... second week in February.  Hard to tell what they were thinking ... hopefully a hint of Spring.

Wildflower Update: Seed in the fridge ... I meet with our conservation office tomorrow to finalize the contracts for our new seven acre wildflower conservation field.  It is a fifteen year set aside program ... planting this spring and should look great next year!

Pollination and Wildlife: During this warmup (60 degrees F) we have seen several flickers looking for grubs in our yard and the in field behind our house.  Lots of birds!  I saw a Cooper's Hawk raid one of our feeders this morning ... birds were scattering everywhere in a hurry.

Work on the Farm:  Checking beehives today.

We support:
Round House, Jeans and Workware, Made in the USA for 112 years.
Red Pig Tools, Garden tools, Made in the USA.
FEDCO, Co-op Garden Supplies, Seeds, Trees and Bulbs
Johnny's Selected Seeds and Garden Tools
Roundstone Native Seed ... A Kentucky Company!
Prairie Nursery, Native Seeds and Plants
Kelley's Beeskeeping ... A Kentucky Company! ... at least for now.
and these organizations ...
Xerces Society
Journey North
Monarch Watch
Sierra Club

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