Saturday, June 20, 2015

Bumblebees, Bee Balm and a Rabbit ...

Starting to bloom this week were Slender Mountain Mint and Bee Balm.  Lots of bumblebees!

Our Slender Mountain Mint is blooming and attracts a wide array of pollinators, including bumblebees.


I have seen several swallowtails this week ...  a few zebra swallowtails.  We have lots of pawpaw trees which is the primary food source for their caterpillars. 

And finally, we have lots of rabbits on our farm and in our yard.  The one below almost ran into me while I was taking pictures of bees today.  Also a picture of true love!

We had a good rain yesterday and last night, over an inch.  Our seven acre pollinator wildflower field is doing well.  We checked it this evening and saw a Monarch on some nearby milkweeds.

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