Sunday, May 31, 2015

Great Spangled Fritillary butterflies ... hundreds!

School is out so it is back to work on our farm.  A few pictures to get the summer started ...  We have had hundreds of Great Spangled Fritilliaries over the past two weeks on our farm.  They love our butterfly weed ... and Chloes poop!  This weekend I saw two Monarch butterflies ... a male and a female ... both in hurry gliding in a large colony of common milkweed ... which is beginning to bloom.

We are seeing the first worker bumble bees working the hairy vetch and dutch clover in the field behind our house and milkweed.

Below ... our little yard rabbit, Tennessee coneflower blooming and a Silvery Checkerspot.

We support:
Round House, Jeans and Workware, Made in the USA for 112 years.
Red Pig Tools, Garden tools, Made in the USA.
FEDCO, Co-op Garden Supplies, Seeds, Trees and Bulbs
Johnny's Selected Seeds and Garden Tools
Roundstone Native Seed ... A Kentucky Company!
Prairie Moon Nursery, Native Seeds and Plants
Kelley's Beeskeeping ... A Kentucky Company! ... at least for now.
and these organizations ...
Xerces Society
Journey North
Monarch Watch
Firefly Watch - Museum of Science, Boston
Sierra Club

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