Thursday, April 2, 2015

Wildflower season starts!

Wildflower Update:  This week was a big week for our twinleaf patches (picts above).  For years while coaching in the Spring, I have missed this early bloom ... but this year was wonderful ... hundreds of blooms.  Also, our limestone outcroppings have started to green up with a few blooms.


Polinators and Wildlife:  I have seen a few butterflies ... several blue azures.  Lots of small bees along with our honeybees but, no bumblebees to date.  Turkey calling every morning a daybreak.  Lots of rabbits on the move when I am bushhogging!

Work on the Farm:  I have started selectively bush-hogging.  I bushhogged all our milkweed colonies (over thirty large colonies, some are over 100 feet long).  Milkweed should be coming up next week.  Since then, I have bushhogged section of each field to keep the blackberries and sumac controlled, leaving large sections for wildlife which I will bushhog later in the early summer.  
    We have several flats of wildflowers to transplant later in April.  Lots of several species of milkweeds ... thanks Prairie Moon Nursery!

We support:

Round House, Jeans and Workware, Made in the USA for 112 years. Pig Tools, Garden tools, Made in the USA., Co-op Garden Supplies, Seeds, Trees and Bulbs's Selected Seeds and Garden Tools Native Seed ... A Kentucky Company! Nursery, Native Seeds and Plants's Beeskeeping ... A Kentucky Company! ... at least for now. these organizations ...Xerces SocietyJourney NorthMonarch WatchSierra Club

Firefly Watch / AMNH
Bumblebee Watch / Xerces
Monarch Watch

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