Monday, October 27, 2014

Burl's Big Turnip Patch, Skippers and Fall Colors ...

Wildflower Update: A warm autumn day with our trees at peak color or a little past peak. We still have some flowers (goldenrod, mist flowers, and dutch white clover) blooming in areas where I bushhogged late in the summer. This morning there was a thick fog and heavy dew.

Pollinators and Wildlife: We still have coneflowers, marigolds and zinnias blooming in our flower beds. Lots of skippers (Common Checkered-Skipper below), a few bumblebees and a couple of Monarchs. The deer and turkey on the move this weekend. While bushhogging our walking trail, a large bobcat ran across the trail and through the field. This is the second bobcat I have seen during the evening hours this year. It was beautiful!

Work on the Farm: I went through our honeybee hives this weekend and removed unused supers. Most of the hives appeared strong without signs of hive beetle. I taped up the holes drilled in the supers and put in entrance reducers. I started feeding today with zip-lock bags (gallon bags with about a half gallon of sugar water) on the top most super with a 2.5 spacer.
Our Burl's Big Turnip patch has been open to the public for free turnip greens. We have had dozens of people stop by for greens (turnip, mustard and creasy/upland cress). This turnip patch (over a half acre) is a tradition started by Sue Neal's Uncle Burl years ago. Picture furthest below ...

We support:
Round House, Jeans and Workware, Made in the USA for 111 years.
Red Pig Tools, Garden tools, Made in the USA.
FEDCO, Co-op Garden Supplies, Seeds, Trees and Bulbs
Johnny's Selected Seeds and Garden Tools
Roundstone Native Seed ... A Kentucky Company!
Prairie Nursery, Native Seeds and Plants
Kelley's Beeskeeping ... A Kentucky Company! ... at least for now.
and these organizations ...
Xerces Society
Journey North
Monarch Watch
Sierra Club

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