Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tiger Swallowtails arrive and seed collection begins ...

Wildflower Update:  Our cupflowers, rosinweed and greyheaded coneflowers are in full bloom.  Beach Plums are not native to Kentucky and blooms early in the spring but, we are picking the fruit this week to make Beach Plum Jelly.  Ironweed and Wingstem will be blooming soon if we could get a good rain.  Milkweed, butterfly weed, and illinois bundleweed (below) are putting on seedpods ... butterfly weed pods are ready to collect ( below).

Pollinators and Wildlife Update:  Still alot of bumblebees on coneflowers in our nectar plots (mostly zinnias).  The Tiger Swallowtails (top of the page, a female),  pipevine swallowtails (below) and spicebush swallotails are now in abundance. The goldfinches are raiding our sunflowers and amphibians are frequently found among the wildflowers.  

Great Spangled Fritillary on a zinnia.

Work on the Farm:   We are still tansplanting some perennials for seed collection next year ... blue false indigo, butterfly weed and tennessee coneflowers.  We are getting ready to take off our honey and extract it in the next few days ... hopefully a cooler day.  No rain again today even though it rained all around us.

Hiking, wildflower/wildlife photography, birdwatching and native plant research available on request.  The Kentucky Wildflower Farm will be offering seed from locally collected native plant species in 2015.

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