Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rattlesnake Master, Food Plot and Rain

Wildflower Update:  Late summer / fall nectar flow has begun.  Leading the way are yellow wingstem and ironweed.  Several species of goldenrod are starting to bloom.  We have had several good rains recently to overcome a long dry spell.  Everything is turning green again.  Our dutch white clover fields are blooming and our bees are back to work.  Above, a rattlesnake master is bloom ... unique and interesting.  Below, along our walking path, pollinators were busily working the ironweed and wingstem.

Pollinators and Wildlife:  Below... a Great Spangled Fritillary, Speyeria cybele,  nectaring (from the picture above).  We have been seeing 3-4 Monarchs pass by each day this week.  The migration has started and I am hoping for the best.  Also this week, the green darner  migration started.  On Thursday, our ridge overlooking Long Creek were covered by a few hundred green darners flying just above the plants.  Above the green darners were three nighthawks enjoying the feast.  I tried some pictures but, too fast and too far away.

Work on the Farm:  I put in another food plot on Saturday .. over an acre of austrian peas, winter oats and sunflowers.  It is part of the conservation cost-share project.  Milkweed pod harvest will begin soon.

Hiking, wildflower/wildlife photography, birdwatching and native plant research available on request.  The Kentucky Wildflower Farm will be offering seed from locally collected native plant species in 2015.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Milkweed pods, deer and a good rain!

Wildflower Update:  Ironweed, Wingstem, Passion flower, Wild Ageratum and Goldenrod are beginning full bloom this week as the fall nectar flow begins.  Several of the ironweed and wingstem plants were over 12 feet tall (along our hiking path below).  Also, the pod set on our milkweed plants seemed to be really high per plant this year.  The example below had 18 pods.

Pollinators and Wildlife:  The bumble bees are still working but the numbers are lower.  Also, the number of swallowtails have been reduced this week ... maybe because of our prolonged drought.  Several turkey were out this afternoon.  Firefly season is coming to an end.  While working on a pollinator oasis, a buck wander up to where I was working.  The lens I had on my camera could not get a great picture ... he eventually noticed me with camera in hand and took off over the hill.

Work on the Farm:  I am back teaching at our high school now so farm time is limited.  I bush-hogged our hiking path this week and a small field I am working to restore to wildflowers.  It rained two inches today.  This is the best rain we have had for several weeks.

Hiking, wildflower/wildlife photography, birdwatching and native plant research available on request.  The Kentucky Wildflower Farm will be offering seed from locally collected native plant species in 2015 ...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Ironweed and Goldenrod blooming ...

Wildflower Update:  This week at The Kentucky Wildflower Farm ...  ironweed, goldenrod and wingstem started blooming ... less than 10% and slow to get started with this prolonged dry weather.  Spicebush Swallowtail on ironweed above.  Below goldenrod, wingstem and a small field of mostly wingstem and ironweed starting to bloom.

Pollinators and Wildlife:  Our bumblebee populations are smaller with less workers visiting the few plants that are blooming.  We still have several swallowtails looking for nectar.  Below, a bumble bee (American Bumble Bee, Bombus pensylvanicus ?) on yellow wingstem.

Work on the Farm:  I went back to teaching this week (AP Bio and computer programming) so had little time to work on our farm.  Most of the time I spent watering some of the plants I want to save for seed.  We had about 3/4" of rain in two events this weekend.  Not enough to help much ... it continues to rain around us.  Still transplanting blue false indigo, milkweeds and coneflowers.

Hiking, wildflower/wildlife photography, birdwatching and native plant research available on request.  The Kentucky Wildflower Farm will be offering seed from locally collected native plant species in 2015 ...